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Everything on Team Headshots: Dressing, Pricing, Poses and Tips

Team headshots are professional photographs that feature the members of a team. Let's explore everything you need to know about team headshots.

Everything on Team Headshots: Dressing, Pricing, Poses and Tips

Have you ever scrolled through a company's website and felt disconnected, unable to put a face to the name? Your clients might feel the same way when they visit your site. This is where team headshots come in. They are more than just photos; they are a window into your company's identity. They showcase the people who make your business unique.

Team headshots highlight your team members' professionalism, approachability, and expertise. But how do you get their pictures taken to look professional and consistent?  Let's explore everything you need to know about team headshots, from dressing tips to posing strategies, to make your team shine bright in every photo.

What are Team Headshots?

Team headshots are professional photographs that feature the members of a team. They are usually taken in a workplace setting. A well-executed team photo can show professionalism, approachability, and a company's unique culture. This makes the company more relatable and appealing to potential clients and partners.

Investing in team headshots helps put faces to the names that clients and customers interact with. It fosters a sense of connection and trust, and this personal touch can make a significant difference. Seeing the real people behind emails and phone calls builds transparency and shows that a company values its team.

Taking team headshots requires more than just gathering everyone for a picture. It involves careful planning to ensure everyone looks their best and the final image reflects the company’s brand and values. Unlike individual headshots that focus on one person, team headshots highlight the collective strength and unity of the group.

A team headshot of different people working in a team together


Why Should My Company Invest in Team Headshots?

The first impression about your brand is often a make or break for a deal. And these days, most first impressions begin online. 

Team headshots humanise your brand. Seeing the faces behind the names can make a huge difference. Clients and customers feel more connected and trusting when they can see the real people they interact with. 

From a marketing standpoint, professional team headshots are a powerful tool. They visually tell your company’s story, showcasing the diversity, personality, and cohesion of your team. This can be particularly appealing to clients and partners looking for a team that is not only skilled but also personable. 

Additionally, team headshots boost internal morale. Displaying these photos around the office or in company communications helps create a sense of unity and belonging. It celebrates the individuals who make up the company, fostering pride and community among employees. Seeing team photos can make the onboarding process more welcoming for new hires.

What Should My Team Wear for Professional Headshots?

For a professional team headshot, the general thumb rule is to wear professional clothing like the standard suit-and-tie for both men and women. But the outfit for team headshots also depends on the industry, personality, and the platform this headshot is for. For example, a graphic design company’s headshots can look far more creative than those of a financial consultant firm.

Reflect Your Brand's Image

Start by considering your company’s brand and culture. Your team’s attire should align with the image you want to project:

  • Formal Industries: If you’re in finance, law, or a similarly formal industry, opt for suits and standard business attire. Think tailored suits, crisp shirts, and conservative ties for men and professional tops for women.
  • Creative or Tech Companies: For more casual environments, smart casual attire is often more appropriate. Consider well-fitted jeans, blouses, and blazers.

Coordinated Colors for Cohesion

While everyone doesn’t need to match exactly, a complementary color palette creates a unified look:

  • Neutral Tones: Colors like black, white, gray, and navy are universally flattering and photograph well.
  • Avoid Loud Patterns: Steer clear of busy patterns or overly bright colors that can distract from faces. Subtle patterns can add interest without overwhelming the photo.
A team of females posing for their professional team headshot in an outdoor setting


Fit and Style

Well-fitted clothing is key to a polished appearance:

  • Comfort and Fit: Clothes should be tailored to fit well but remain comfortable. Avoid anything too tight or too loose.
  • Classic Styles: Opt for timeless pieces over trendy items. Classic styles tend to photograph better and stay relevant longer.

Minimal Accessories

Accessories should complement, not overpower, the outfit:

  • Simple Jewelry: Small earrings, watches, and minimalistic necklaces work well. Avoid large, flashy pieces that draw attention away from the face.
  • Consistency: Encourage the team to follow a similar level of formality in their accessories to maintain a cohesive look.

Grooming and Personal Care

Neat grooming and a polished look are essential:

  • Hair: Make sure your hair is clean, styled, and neat. Consider professional hairstyling if possible.
  • Makeup: For those who wear makeup, a natural look is best. Bring touch-up essentials to the shoot.
  • Men’s Grooming: Beards and moustaches should be well-trimmed, and everyone should be freshly shaved or neatly groomed.

Comfort Equals Confidence

Comfort plays a huge role in how confident your team will appear:

  • Personal Style: Encourage team members to choose outfits they feel good in, as long as they align with the company’s image. Offer a range of choices for the members to choose from.

Final Touches (For Each Member)

Bring along a kit for last-minute adjustments:

  • Essentials Kit: A lint roller, hairbrush, and makeup touch-up kit can be lifesavers on the day of the shoot.
  • Spare Options: Have a couple of spare outfits on hand in case of any accidents or last-minute changes.

How Do We Pose for a Team Headshot? (Individual and Group Tips)

The best poses for a team headshot are pretty straightforward; a simple, forward-facing, smiling, relaxed pose. I know for some people posing for team headshots can be a bit daunting, but with the right tips, you can ensure everyone looks their best. 

Individual Poses

When posing individually, the key is to appear confident and approachable. 

  • Relax and Be Natural: Take a few deep breaths and shake out any tension before the shoot. A relaxed posture will help you look more approachable.
  • Find Your Best Angle: Slightly turning your body to one side, rather than facing the camera head-on, can be more flattering. Experiment with different angles to see what works best for you.
  • Stand or Sit Up Straight: Good posture exudes confidence. Keep your back straight, shoulders back, and head held high.
  • Use Your Eyes: Your eyes can convey a lot of emotion. Try to think of something that makes you happy or confident. This will help your eyes sparkle and your smile look genuine.
  • Smile Naturally: A forced smile can look awkward. Think of something funny or pleasant to create a natural, warm smile.
A professional team headshot of a team of employees working together in a company


Group Poses

Regarding group poses, the goal is to showcase the unity and camaraderie of the team. 

  • Stagger Heights and Positions: Avoid having everyone stand in a straight line. Instead, stagger heights and positions to create a more dynamic and interesting composition.
  • Engage with Each Other: Encourage team members to turn slightly towards each other, engage in light conversation, or share a laugh. This creates a natural look.
  • Use Props Sparingly: Consider using props like an iPad or a design tool related to your work. However, keep them minimal to avoid clutter.
  • Balance the Space: The group should be balanced within the frame. No one should be too far to the side or cut off at the edges.
  • Be Mindful of Hands: Hands can be tricky. They should look natural, crossed in front, by the sides, or gently touching a prop or another team member’s shoulder.

What are the Best Backdrops for Team Headshots?

Choosing the right backdrop for team headshots is crucial to creating a polished, professional look that represents your company well. 

Classic Solid Colors

Solid color backdrops are a timeless choice that never goes out of style. They keep the focus on the team and give a clean, uncluttered look.

  • White or Light Gray: These colors provide a neutral, clean look that works well for almost any industry. They brighten up the photo and make the subjects stand out.
  • Navy or Dark Gray: These shades offer a professional and sophisticated feel, perfect for more formal industries like finance or law.

Branded Backdrops

Incorporating elements of your company’s brand into the backdrop can add a personalized touch.

  • Company Colors: Using a backdrop that features your company’s colors can reinforce your brand identity.
  • Logo or Slogan: A subtle inclusion of your logo or slogan in the background can add a professional touch without being too overpowering.

Natural Settings

For a more relaxed and approachable vibe, consider natural or outdoor settings.

  • Office Environment: Taking photos in a well-designed part of your office, like a lounge area or a meeting room, can give a glimpse into your company culture.
  • Outdoor Spaces: If you have a nice outdoor area, such as a garden or rooftop, natural light can add to the warmth and friendliness of the photo.

Creative and Modern Backdrops

For companies in creative fields, a more modern and artistic backdrop can make the photos stand out.

  • Textured Walls: Brick, wood, or textured walls can add depth and interest to your photos.
  • Murals or Artwork: If your office has interesting murals or artwork, these can serve as unique and visually appealing backdrops.

Tips for Choosing the Right Backdrop

  • Match the Tone: The backdrop should match the tone of your company. A tech startup might opt for a sleek, modern background, while a law firm might choose something more traditional.
  • Keep it Simple: The backdrop shouldn’t distract from the team. Simple, clean backgrounds work best.
  • Consider Lighting: The backdrop should work well with the lighting setup. Natural light is often the most flattering, but make sure there’s no harsh glare or shadows.

How Should We Prepare for Our Team Headshot Session?

Preparing for a team headshot session involves more than just picking out the right outfits. 

Some tips to prepare well for your team headshots are as follows:

  • Strategic Scheduling: Choose a time when everyone is available and not rushed. Inform your team members in advance with a clear schedule and location details.
  • Outfit Coordination: Align outfits with your brand’s aesthetics. Share specific guidelines on colors and styles that complement each other. Have team members try on their outfits beforehand to have a perfect fit.
A team of female employees posing together in coordinating outfits for their professional headshot


  • Professional Grooming: Clean, styled hair and well-groomed facial hair are essential for everyone. For makeup, a polished yet natural look works best. Equip the team with a hairbrush, makeup touch-up kit, and lint roller for final adjustments.
  • Confident Posing: Guide the team to practice poses that express confidence and approachability. Tips like standing tall, relaxing shoulders, and a genuine smile can make a significant difference.
  • Creating a Relaxed Atmosphere: Foster a calm environment with light-hearted conversation and humor. A relaxed atmosphere makes a big difference.
  • Early Arrival: Arriving early ensures ample time for any last-minute tweaks and a punctual start to the session.

What If My Team Members Hate Getting Their Photo Taken?

It's not uncommon for team members to feel uncomfortable or anxious about having their photo taken. You can ease their concerns and have a successful team headshot session.

  • Explain the Importance: Communicate why professional headshots are valuable. Emphasize how these photos showcase the team and create a unified, professional image for the company. Understanding the purpose can boost willingness to participate.
  • Respect Preferences: While participation is encouraged, make it clear that it's optional. Respect personal reasons for not wanting to be photographed and offer alternatives, like including their name in a group shot.
  • Provide Support: Reassure team members they will look great. Share posing tips and encourage relaxation. A positive and supportive attitude can significantly reduce anxiety.
  • Choose a Comfortable Setting: Select a familiar, comfortable location for the photoshoot to ease nerves. An environment they know can alleviate some anxiety.
  • Make it Fun: Create a light-hearted atmosphere. Encourage natural smiles and laughter, and consider playing music to help everyone relax and enjoy the experience.

How Much Do Professional Team Headshots Cost?

The cost of professional team headshots can vary depending on several factors. Find a breakdown of what you can expect to pay for high-quality team photos below:

  • Photography Services: The photographer's fee is a significant component. Established photographers with impressive portfolios may command higher fees, ranging from $100 to $1500 on average.
  • Group Size: Larger teams often incur higher costs. Some photographers offer discounts for bulk bookings, so it's wise to inquire about package deals.
  • Location: The shoot's location can impact costs, especially if the photographer needs to travel. Additional fees might apply for on-location shoots.
  • Retouching and Editing: Basic editing is often included, but more extensive retouching, like blemish removal, may come at an extra cost.
  • Additional Services: Some photographers offer services like styling, wardrobe advice, or custom backdrops. These services enhance the final result but potentially add to the cost.
  • Printing and Digital Copies: Consider expenses for prints or digital files. While some packages include digital copies, others may charge for high-resolution files or prints.

💡Pro tip: Professional headshot packages for team members are available from AI-driven tools like InstaHeadshots. 100 HD headshots for each team member can be obtained for $44 in around 120 minutes. It also gives an option to choose from various professional outfits and backgrounds.

How Do We Choose the Right Photographer for Team Headshots?

To get the best team headshots, you must find the right photographer for your team headshot session.

A photographer clicking a team headshot in an outdoor setting
  • Review Portfolios: Assess potential photographers' portfolios, focusing on their team headshot examples. Look for styles and quality that align with your vision.
  • Consider Style and Approach: Each photographer has a unique style, ranging from traditional to candid. Select one whose approach matches the look you desire.
  • Check Reviews and References: Read reviews to gauge professionalism and work quality. Request references to gain insights into their work ethic and client interactions.
  • Discuss Pricing and Packages: Understand pricing structures and what each package includes, such as retouching services and final image count.
  • Trust Your Instincts: Ultimately, trust your instincts. They're likely the right fit for your team headshots if you feel confident in their abilities.

You can also choose professional photographers from companies like The Hundred Dollar Headshot that offer budget-friendly professional photo sessions for headshot photography starting at just $99. Even JC Penney Portraits has affordable options for headshot photography sessions on their website. 

What Role Does Lighting and Equipment Play in Team Headshots?

Lighting and equipment are pivotal in creating exceptional team headshots. They contribute to capturing professional and polished images in the following ways:


Good lighting is essential for team headshots, as it enhances facial features, reduces shadows, and makes everyone look their best.

  • Natural Light: Natural light creates a soft, flattering effect. Positioning the team near large windows for indoor shoots can help achieve this look. Outdoor shoots benefit from the gentle light during early morning or late afternoon, often called the "golden hour."
  • Studio Lighting: Studio lighting offers more control and consistency. Professional photographers use softboxes, ring lights, and reflectors to evenly illuminate faces and minimize harsh shadows. This controlled lighting environment ensures uniformity across all team members’ photos.


The right equipment creates high-quality, clear, and professional images.

  • Cameras and Lenses: High-resolution cameras capture detailed images, while specific lenses can create various effects. Portrait lenses, for instance, can produce a pleasing background blur that keeps the focus on the team members.
  • Tripods: Using a tripod ensures stability and consistency across shots, preventing blurriness and maintaining the same framing for each team member.
  • Backgrounds: A clean, professional backdrop adds to the look of the headshots. Whether it’s a solid color, a textured wall, or a branded background, it should complement the team without being distracting.

Should We Edit Our Team Headshots?

Editing team headshots is essential for a polished and professional look. Here’s why you should consider it:

  • Enhancing Professionalism: Editing improves quality and gives a professional finish. Adjustments in lighting, contrast, and color balance create visually appealing headshots.
  • Correcting Minor Flaws: Editing allows for minor imperfections like blemishes or stray hairs to be fixed. This helps in presenting your team at their best without altering their natural look.
  • Maintaining Uniformity: When headshots are taken in different conditions, editing gives a consistent look. Uniform backgrounds, lighting, and color tones create a great presentation.
  • Reflecting Brand Image: Editing aligns headshots with your brand. Adjustments can match brand colors or include subtle branding elements, reinforcing your company's identity.
  • Keeping it Natural: It's important to maintain a natural look. For realistic photos, avoid over-editing. Focus on subtle enhancements that improve without looking overly processed.
  • Professional vs. DIY Editing: Consider professional editing for precise adjustments. If budget is a concern, user-friendly tools like Magic Studio are available for DIY editing.

How Can We Use Our Team Headshots for Maximum Impact?

Using your team headshots effectively can boost your company’s image and engagement. Some ideas for making the most out of your team photos:

A team headshot helps in making a good impression in front of new employees


  • Website Integration: Showcase team headshots prominently on your website’s "About Us" or "Team" page to connect faces with names and build trust.
  • Social Media Engagement: Share headshots on social media with engaging captions to humanize your brand and encourage interaction.
  • Email Signatures: Add headshots to email signatures for a personal touch. This makes communications more relatable.
  • Marketing Materials: Use headshots in brochures and flyers to showcase your team to increase credibility.
  • Press Releases: Include headshots in press releases to personalize announcements and make them more engaging.
  • Presentations: Integrate headshots into presentations to help the audience connect with your team.
  • Internal Communication: Use headshots in internal communications and directories to foster a sense of community among team members.

What are the Common Mistakes to Avoid in Team Headshots?

Avoiding common mistakes in team headshots makes your photos look professional and cohesive. 

  • Inconsistent Lighting: Ensure even lighting across all team members to maintain consistency.
  • Distracting Backgrounds: Opt for simple, uncluttered backgrounds to keep the focus on your team.
  • Lack of Coordination: Set clear attire guidelines to avoid clashing outfits that can create a chaotic appearance.
  • Poor Poses: Encourage natural, relaxed poses to convey confidence and approachability.
  • Over-Editing: Avoid excessive retouching that can make headshots appear unnatural. Aim for subtle enhancements.
  • Ignoring Brand Image: Your headshots should align with your company’s brand identity, whether it’s casual and creative or formal and corporate.

When Should We Update Our Team Headshots?

Updating your team headshots regularly is essential for maintaining a current and professional image. 

  • Major Appearance Changes: When team members undergo significant appearance changes, like new hairstyles or weight changes, new headshots are warranted to do accurate representation.
  • Company Rebranding: After a company rebrand, updating headshots aligns with the new brand identity, reinforcing consistency across all platforms.
  • Team Changes: New hires, promotions, or departures should prompt headshot updates to maintain an accurate representation of your team.
  • Outdated Photos: Aim for updates every one to two years to prevent outdated visuals that can make your company seem stagnant.
  • Seasonal Updates: For customer-facing or trend-sensitive businesses, seasonal updates can keep your visuals fresh and aligned with current trends.